We all know that sometimes the studios take an extremely long time when giving us the posters we want to see, especially when a movie is in the early production phases. Usually when this happens, clever and inventful fans will go out and make their own posters and as we've seen in the past, these posters are sometimes way better than those the studios come up with.
So it seems that one huge Dawn of Justice fan has gone out and done just that, he has created a poster for the upcoming blockbuster. It seems he has used all the officially released pictures of Batman, Man of Steel and the recently released Wonder Woman posters to create one single poster, which in my opinion captures the feeling of the movie. Any thoughts?
Well done to the creator of this poster. It's these kinds of people that continue to push the boundaries of creativity which seem to make marketing execs at the studios shake, even if just a little, for when they must come up with original posters after seeing the fans excellent work ... or perhaps that's just me!

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